
July 2022 horoscopes predict a sexy summer awaits - New York Post

Get ready for a highly productive month, filled with opportunities both personally and professionally for all zodiac signs!

The cosmic weather guarantees that you’ll have chances for fun, recreation and sexy times, as well as the ability to buckle down, focus and slay your work routine.

An intimate, intuitive and emotional vibe will also be swimming through the cosmos, so pay attention to what the universe is telling you. Your heart is whispering, so listen closely!

“The energy of July will show you what and whom is truly important to you,” world-renowned psychic Calise Simone exclusively told The Post. “You may feel time has finally slowed down after many months of being in a rush. Use this month to reconsider your long term goals.  Do they still resonate with you? If not, tweak those plans.  It’s ok to want different things as your spirit matures. Changes in your journey may force you to step out of your comfort zone, and that’s something you can be proud of.”

Learn what your astrology has in store for the month to come! Follow me for daily insight or read 2022 predictions for your zodiac sign or your 2022 love life and relationship horoscopes now!

July horoscopes
July will bring a time of gatherings and discussions about the path the United States is on.
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Another month of exciting news awaits you, Aries. At the onset of July, you’ll still be heavily focused on your domestic life and family—as well as emotional security—due to the new moon that occurred at the end of June. This could see you making adjustments around any of those themes. Also, try to launch any major initiatives or plans in the first five days of the month: you’ll still have the firepower of Mars and Jupiter’s luck granting you the momentum that you need. Beginning July 5, Mars will venture into your financial sector, making money a top priority in the next two months. You could find that you’re spending a great deal, as well as have the energy to make more, too.

July 14 brings a powerful full moon in your professional zone, bringing your ambitions into the spotlight. A promotion, favorable press or new job offer may now arrive. Last, as the stars shift, a new moon in your passion arena on July 28 will fan the flames of your heart. Singles may use this energy to line up exciting romantic options or may suddenly find that they’ve fallen in love. Couples can use this great energy to reignite their spark, spend time with their children or even pursue pregnancy.


July will be a major month for you, Taurus, as you’ll suddenly feel adrenaline ignite your life. Mighty Mars, the planet of sex, drive and passion, will energize you beginning July 5 until August 20. This means you’ll be fired up to conquer everything in your path. Use this fuel to dominate and stand in your power, as well as launch every important initiative you have on your docket. At the onset of July, you could still be focused on a communications or travel-related endeavor, as the new moon from the end of June will still be causing you to step out of your comfort zone.

Mid-month, a full moon in your expansion sector arrives on July 14, which could see you reaching a culmination around a media, academic, long-distance travel or contractual matter. Open your wings and fly. Last, as the month comes to a close, you’ll be in your feels, as a new moon appears in your domestic and family arena on July 28. Some Tauruses could decide to make a shift in their living space or move to a new locale.


July will bring some unique energy for you to face, Gemini. While you’ll likely still be having fun with friends and pals a great deal, beginning July 5, you may actually decide to prioritize mental health and lying low. Some Geminis could begin work on an important project behind-the-scenes, too. Money will also be a significant theme at the onset of the month, as the new moon from the end of June will likely be bringing a raise, new job offer or revelation to balance your finances.

Mid-month, a full moon in your sector of assets and investments arrives on July 14. This could elicit a settlement, bonus or an opportunity to win big. Yet, as the stars shift, you’ll feel a breath of fresh air as the new moon in your arena of travel and intellectual pursuits appears on July 28. This could bring exciting opportunities to speak your mind, learn more about the world or visit nearby locales.


July will be a whirlwind month for you, Cancer. This is a month of tremendous growth and expansion both personally and professionally. First off, Jupiter will continue to sparkle within your career zone, bringing opportunities to soar ever higher. Next, mighty Mars will ignite your social sector beginning July 5, promising so much fun with friends in the weeks to come. Expanding your network is favored, so whether you’d like to meet new professional contacts or try your hand at online dating, go for it. Also, with it being birthday season, all eyes are on you, so start to set intentions you’d like to build toward in the year to come.

Mid-month, a full moon in your partnership zone arrives on July 14, which could bring a culmination or opportunity for union to you. However, if you’re not in alignment, you could shatter apart. To end a busy month, a new moon in your financial arena appears on July 28, likely bringing a raise, lucrative client or an opportunity to pursue a side hustle. Focus on building prosperity.

July horoscopes
July brings a shift in the cosmic weather and it will be felt by all zodiac signs.
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Get ready to roar, Leo! While the beginning of July may have you feeling in your emotions and a bit burnt out, as soon as Mars ignites your professional sector beginning July 5, you’ll be crushing the competition. Launch all important career projects in the weeks ahead—you’ll soar higher than ever before. Mid-month, a full moon in your productivity zone appears on July 14, which will bring a shift to your work-life balance and could have you quite busy polishing off important projects for your employer.

Instead, it may also have you focused on making a shift in regards to your physical health, diet or fitness. Yet, as soon as the sun soars into your zodiac sign on July 22, birthday season arrives. Get ready to step into the spotlight, Leo, because you were born for it. The most important new moon of the year arrives for you on the 28th, as it falls in your zodiac sign. Put your intentions out to the universe in the week that follows it and you’ll grow abundantly in the year to come.


A month that promises new horizons lies before your feet, Virgo. While intimacy and shared assets should continue to see growth this month, you’ll notice a new trend as soon as Mars soars into your expansion sector beginning July 5. This ensures that you’ll be very busy stepping out of your comfort zone in the weeks ahead. You may now become busy with an academics, media, contractual or travelling matter. Also, with the sun energizing your social life at the onset of the month, you’re sure to be spending plenty of time with wonderful friends and contacts.

Mid-month, a full moon in your passion zone ignites your life near July 14. This could have you fall in love, meet a soulmate or instead spend some TLC with the S.O. at your side! Creativity and fertility are also favored. Yet, as the stars shift at the end of the month, you’ll start to feel the need to reflect, lie low and brainstorm what you’d like to tackle in the year to come.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars


Another month of exciting developments stands before you, Libra. Jupiter, the planet of luck, continues to dance across the sky from you, ensuring growth in relationships. Also, mighty Mars ignites your sector of intimacy and shared assets beginning July 5, which could elicit the urge to merge! Yet, with so much attention also in your professional sphere at the onset of July, you could be seeing new milestones now within reach. A promotion, competitive job or opportunity for recognition may now be at hand.

Mid-month, your mind snaps toward your domestic and family life with a full moon highlighting these areas near July 14. A move, renovation or chance to spend time with your kindred could present itself. However, sugar, spice and everything nice is promised at the end of the month as a new moon in your social sector appears on July 28. Prepare for tons of fun and opportunities to reconnect with pals who love you so very much.


Get ready for more turning points, Scorpio. With Jupiter energizing your productivity sector, you should be feeling quite strong and ready to tackle more on your docket. Partnership becomes an increasingly important theme once again as soon as Mars ignites this zone beginning July 5. Working as a team will get you far, so keep that in mind. However, if there is tension beneath the wavelength, you could find conflict with partners or competitors appears now.

Another theme at the beginning of the month will be around expansion, as you are set to embark on stepping outside of your comfort zone and moving into new territory—intellectually, physically or spiritually. Mid-month, a full moon in your communications sector appears on July 14, encouraging you to speak your mind or even sign important contracts. Yet, as the stars move, your ambitions become quite energized near the new moon of July 28. New horizons professionally could soon be on their way.

July horoscopes
Get ready for the full heat of summer to arrive in the Northern Hemisphere.
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A fun—and productive—month lies ahead of you, Sagittarius. As Jupiter continues to dance in your sector of true love, fertility and creativity, you’re sure to feel that your life is in bloom. Yet, as soon as Mars ignites your productivity zone, you’ll become especially busy after July 5. Assess your work-life balance, take on more projects or even up your fitness game. Another key theme at the beginning of the month will be around intimacy and shared assets, offering you a chance to better see eye-to-eye or win big with investments.

Mid-month, a full moon in your prosperity sector appears on July 14, which could bring a raise, large check or new job offer your way. As the month transitions, though, you’ll decide it’s time to shake up your routine and pursue adventure. A new moon in your expansion arena sings on July 28, opening doors to intellectual, spiritual or contractual pursuits.


A massive month for your personal life has arrived, Capricorn. While there continues to be a focus on domestic and family situations, romance and fertility will also become quite important, too. Mars, the planet of sex, ignites your sector of true love and pleasure beginning July 5 for weeks to come. This is an excellent period to date and find a soulmate or reignite your spark with the one at your side. Also, with the sun in your partnership zone for most of the month, you could be making long-term plans or finding someone who will stand at your side.

A powerful full moon in your zodiac sign arrives on July 14, which will bring to culmination a dearly personal goal and situation that means so very much to you. Stand in your honor then. Yet, as the sun shifts and dips into your intimacy sector, how you give and receive will become quite important after the new moon on July 28. Share and watch as you also grow, too.


A unique month will present itself to you, Aquarius. With Jupiter continuing to sparkle in your communications sector, you could be very invested in travel or speaking your mind. Mighty Mars turns a corner and charges into your domestic and family zone beginning July 5, which will bring you great drive to tackle situations around these themes. Some Aquarians could be moving, renovating or instead focused on linking up with their kindred. Also, productivity is paramount at the beginning of the month, as the sun will be energizing your work-life balance.

If unhappy with your employment, look elsewhere now. Also, shifting your diet, fitness or physical health will also go well, too. Mid-month, you’ll be feeling the need to lie low due to the full moon on July 14. Take some time to rest and recharge your batteries. At the end of the month, partnership becomes the next major focus for you, especially after the new moon on July 28. This could help you to make long-term plans with a significant other or instead find someone with serious potential if looking for that perfect match.


Buckle up, Pisces, the universe is shifting before your eyes! Financial growth should continue this month, as great Jupiter brings gold down upon you. The next big shift will be when mighty Mars ignites your communication and travel sector beginning July 5. You could become invested in a big project or instead decide it’s time to step out of town in the weeks ahead. Also, passion, fertility and creativity are top priorities for you at the beginning of the month.

If single, this is one of the best times of the year to meet a soulmate. Couples can enjoy this vibe by having more sweet romantic moments. Mid-month, your social life lights up due to the full moon on July 14. This ensures plenty of opportunities to circulate and catch up with your crew. At the end of the month, your attention turns to your productivity, though, especially after the new moon on July 28. Prepare for more opportunities on the job and to switch up your work-life balance.

July horoscopes
July will encourage you to let loose while also considering what you want to build in the long-term.
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When it comes to the overall romance and love vibration for July, the animal spirit cards deliver one of the strongest and most significant animal archetypes… The Hawk! This is a messenger of divinity itself and its presence should not be taken lightly. As an envoi of destiny and fate, the Hawk brings us powerful codes and messages through our relationships, new and old. The winds of change are shifting within our most important bonds—and luckily, this keen-eyed bird lends us its incredible intuition so we can “see things clearly.” Whenever in doubt in the month of July, connect to the spirit of this superior sky being, as its powerful wings contain the information you need to receive in order to make your closest relationships bloom.

The warmth of the summer sun and long days filled with light can make for an irresistible, bare bones you. The light allows us to see all in plain sight. However, our perception can muddy the waters from time to time, creating unnecessary love chaos. To free yourself from the chains that may bind (or blind) you, practice listening to your authentic love needs with a compassionate heart before you take action. What do you truly want in relationships? Something sustainable? Or some simple summer fun? There is no wrong answer. Smokey Quartz is July’s crystal card love pick. Time to clear away the negativity so you can approach old or new love with fresh new eyes. A root chakra stone.

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit

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