Amy Schumer had some fun Tuesday with Chrissy Teigen’s notorious showboating while attending Barack Obama’s celebrity-studded 60th birthday party on Martha’s Vineyard earlier this month.

For an Instagram post, Schumer said she was paying “tribute” to Teigen, but it also appeared that her “tribute” carried a dose of ridicule.

Schumer did her own version of a video that Teigen, recently embroiled in a cyberbullying scandal, posted of herself before attending Obama’s party. The video showed the supermodel wearing a white, low-cut cocktail dress, seductively descending a staircase, almost like Marilyn Monroe, to sing “Happy birthday.”

It looks like Schumer got access to the same charming private home or luxury inn where Teigen and her husband, John Legend, might have stayed during Obama’s Aug. 7 birthday weekend, because the comedian filmed herself descending very similar stars, also singing “Happy birthday, Mr. President.” Schumer posted a version of Teigen’s video, cut with footage of herself.

In Schumer’s footage, she acknowledged that she looks decidedly less put together than Teigen. She wears long pink tank top, which might double for a nightshirt, emblazoned with the words “Boat hair don’t care.” And, yes, Schumer’s unlike Teigen’s, hair is tousled. The cookbook author and lifestyle influencer also had shared photos of herself getting her hair professionally styled before the party.

“We love you @chrissyteigen,” Schumer captioned her video, but as much as Schumer called her video a “tribute,” some of her followers saw her playful imitation as a clever dig against Teigen’s display of self-regard during Obama’s birthday weekend.

Up until just before Obama’s party, Teigen had expressed great heartache and mental anguish over being condemned to the “cancel club” because her cyberbullying past had caught up with her. In May, the one-time unofficial queen of Twitter was forced to apologize and admit to being a social media “troll” after she was revealed to have sent vicious online messages to a teenager, and to have posted other cruel comments about troubled female celebrities.

After arriving on Martha’s Vineyard with Legend, their two children and their entourage, the “canceled” Teigen was happy to let people know she didn’t have to worry about being kept out of one A-list celebrity party.

Indeed, Teigen made the most of the fact that she was was one of the 200 “close” family friends of Barack and Michelle Obama to make the final cut for the former president’s now legendary party at his Martha’s Vineyard estate.

Teigen posted not one but a half a dozen photos and videos of herself, all dressed up and excited to attend the bash. The party was described as the social event of the summer season for America’s elite, which is one reason it became controversial.

Conservatives called Obama and his “liberal elite” friends hypocrites for participating in a large gathering amid a surge of the COVID-19 pandemic. On the other side, Obama supporters defended the event as safe by saying it was held outside, with guests being required to show proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test.

Aside from partisan politics, New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd blasted the party for the way it showed how much Obama has always wanted to be seen as “cool” by surrounding himself with celebrities.

Obama’s star-studded guest list became a main point of contention because it was widely reported that planners drastically cut the guest list at the 11th hour in response to the surge in COVID cases. Those told not to come at the last minute reportedly included former Obama administration staffers who helped with the 44th president’s rise to power.

Teigen and Legend, though, made the final cut. So did Beyonce, Jay-Z, Gayle King, Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson and Steven Spielberg, according to reports.

“We already knew Obama gravitated to stars but it was disillusioning to see it on such a grand scale last weekend,” Dowd wrote.

André Leon Talley, the flamboyant former Vogue magazine creative director and “authority on opulence,” told Down that the Obamas were being “seriously tone-deaf” with their party.

“We all love Beyoncé,” Tally told Dowd. “But people have so many things to worry about with Covid, voting rights, climate warming. People are afraid of being evicted from their homes. And the Obamas are in Marie Antoinette, tacky, let-them-eat-cake mode. They need to remember their humble roots.”

Teigen’s admission to the party struck many critics as especially egregious, given her cyberbullying scandal and the fact that her fame mostly rests on being Legend’s wife and saying outrageous things on Twitter.

People responding to Schumer’s video wanted to let it be known that they didn’t like the idea of paying “tribute” to Teigen.

“We do not, in fact, love Chrissy Teigen,” wrote one person.

“We stanning bullies now? No ma’am,” wrote another. “We love bullies now?” added someone else.

Others seemed to see some shade in Schumer’s video. “Spot on!” one said. “I’m dying,” said another. And many more followers just posted emojis for laughing, clapping or fire, as if the comedian had executed a very clever “burn” against Teigen.